Dario J


After years of failed attempts, Dario has achieved a physique he had only dreamed of at Pioneer Performance.

The thirty-four-year-old Graphic Illustration Artist spent long periods sitting and standing at his desk. He had always "tried hard" when he found himself at the gym, however, before long, time and time again, he found himself stopping.

He knew his unstable motivation and lack of knowledge would only keep him in this repetitive negative cycle.

Dario's Journey

Just as he was about to give up, Dario saw his colleague Gavin radically transform his physique at Pioneer Performance. 

Through watching Gavin’s transformation happening right in front of his eyes, as well as seeing the rest of the results on the Pioneer Performance website, Dario gained confidence that he could achieve the same level of success with our help.

After years of stopping and starting it only took 10 months of work with his Pioneer Performance coach to radically transform his body and his life.

Through working with his trainer, Dario had someone to whom he could stay accountable for his actions. He also had someone to provide all of the personalised structure & expertise to keep him on track and focused towards his goals.

Dario had 2 primary motivations for starting his training programme.

The first was to get rid of the lower back and knee pain he was suffering from due to his job, which requires long periods of standing and sitting.

The second motivator was to prepare for his wedding so that he could feel confident and be himself on the big day.

What was stopping you from getting in shape before working with us?

“Consistency was stopping me from getting in shape. I had tried going to the gym a few times over recent years, I would start off motivated – however, the motivation and consistency would drop rapidly as the months progressed.”

“I was also lacking knowledge. I found lots of contradicting information on the internet, and I wanted to have someone like my coach whom I knew I could trust to teach me everything I needed to exercise efficiently.”

What was your lifestyle and nutrition like before starting?

“I don’t think my nutrition was bad, however, I ate whatever I wanted, so if I saw cookies, I would eat those, and if I saw Nutella, I would eat that as well. Everything I was totally out of balance. Especially during quarantine, my lifestyle was just very sedentary. I don’t think I was making more than 3,000 steps per week – which was no good.“

Have you learned anything about yourself during the process?

“When I started, I was scared that I would drop out and wouldn’t get the return on the money I invested. All of my previous experiences at the gym told me that this was what was going to happen. However, I have now surpassed all the boundaries I put around myself, and I know I can achieve much more than I previously thought.”

“I’ve also learned that it is extremely valuable to have someone hold you accountable. I didn’t want to let my coach down. Having Finn to keep me on track & motivated was a big thing (quite literally) in my life. If I was letting him down, I was letting myself down.”

How has the change in nutrition and training impacted your lifestyle and energy levels outside of the gym?

“My life turned has quite literally turned upside-down, in a good sense. I have more energy, I wake up more easily, and I don’t have any issues waking up at 5:30-6am every day! I’m also much more focused and confident in who I am. My body wants to do things it didn’t previously want to do. I can’t wait for my Tuesdays and Fridays at Pioneer & my own training, which I do on a Saturdays & Sunday.”

What would you say to anyone on the fence about working with Pioneer Performance?

“Go for it. If I knew how I would feel 10 months from when I started, I would spend more time I would spend more money on being here. I can’t say enough praises for all of the guys in here, especially Finn.”

Are you ready to build your body like Dario?

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Disclaimer: Results vary from person to person, timescales on results are not guaranteed, hard work is always required.

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