Alex T


Alex came to Pioneer Performance because he wanted to be in the best shape of his life for his wedding day, which was 6 months away. Although Alex is a Personal Trainer and Physiotherapist himself, he knew that he needed to overcome his own bias within training and create a level of accountability which was going to get him the results he was looking for.

Fast forward 6 months... Alex was able to increase in physical size whilst also reducing his level of body fat - feeling fantastic for his wedding.

"As for the results, I have packed on several kilograms of lean muscle tissue over the past six months, improved my general health and made some very positive changes to my daily routine. I cannot recommend Pioneer Performance enough and I really look forward to the next phase."

Alex's Journey

Why did you decide to work with Pioneer Performance?

As a Physiotherapist and Personal Trainer myself, I understand and appreciate the valuable of accountability. I recognise that even good coaches need coaches.

My main motivation for starting was my wedding which was 6 months away.

Did you have any worries or hesitations before starting?

My main hesitations were around the type of training I was going to be doing. I know that i’ve been very stuck in my ways which was part of the problem. Since my background is in powerlifting most of my training revolved around the squat, bench & deadlift. Which although I enjoy, I know they aren’t necessarily the best way to build my physique.

How has your training & nutrition changed since working with your coach?

I think my knowledge of nutrition is fairly good; I’ve always tracked my calories and been aware of making good food choices. However, having someone else dictate my macronutrient amounts, keeping me accountable, and making the appropriate changes when required has been a huge weight off my shoulders.

However, also having someone help me strategise with foods right foods has been beneficial, such as choosing foods which are more voluminous when dieting & more calorie-dense during muscle-building phases.

With regards to training, perhaps when I was training on my own, I wasn’t getting that intensity which I really needed to make top-end progress. Now, I have the right training intensity for my goal.

What has been the hardest habit to kick during this process?

Staying away from the 3 main lifts squat, bench & deadlift, as well as shrugs!

Getting into the mindset of my goal being to put on lean tissue, rather than my goal being to move as much weight as possible as fast as possible. This has definitely been a challenge!

Which part of the process & result have you enjoyed the most?

For me it’s been a number of things.

Developing a positive daily routine, which has now stuck, has been great. As well as simple such as increasing water intake, which I now realise I was over looking. This means I’m no longer suffering with headaches and generally I feel better and have more energy.

What would you say to anyone who is on the fence about working with Pioneer?

You have nothing to lose.

If coaches with 10+ years experience & degrees in medicine / physiotherapy as well as fitness qualifications can see the value in it then the general population will see value in it.

Are you ready to get results like Alex?

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Disclaimer: Results vary from person to person, timescales on results are not guaranteed, hard work is always required.

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