Kiran got her body back... and more after pregnancy!When Kiran first step foot in the gym she was heavily pregnant and took the initiative to keep on top of her physically and mental health, which set the stage for a swift return to training post pregnancy.
10 weeks after giving birth Kiran returned and got straight back to work on her strength and fat loss goals. This time can be very difficult for a lot of women, but Kiran took life by the reigns, enjoying bring a new baby girl into the world and transforming her physique as well as growing mentally along the way.
In the course of 9 months, Kiran dropped over 2 stone and built strength, fitness and nutrition into her life for good.
How did you first hear about Pioneer Performance?
I came across Pioneer online by searching for a personal trainer and made the decision to get in touch as it seemed very professional and welcoming.
Were there any pivotal moments that pushed you to step forward and get in touch?
I was feeling sluggish during pregnancy and keen to keep my fitness up. I had previously resorted to cardio but felt this was no longer an option and I needed seek out some professional guidance.
Neil was able to put together a resistance training programme which was tailored to my needs. This really helped improve my knowledge and confidence around weight training.
How was your first session back after pregnancy?
It was really challenging initially, but I was soon back feeling fit and strong within a matter of weeks as training intensity was gradually increased over time.
How have you managed your diet and training alongside having a new-born?
It has been difficult to weight and track food with having such a busy schedule and a disrupted sleep pattern. However, Neil was able to provide the accountability I needed to reintroduce more structure to my routine and as I saw results, this gave me the motivation to keep at it and continue to make progress.
What has been the hardest habit to kick during the process?
I wouldn’t say there was one specific thing that was hard to change, but perhaps getting used to eating smaller portions and learning how to curb cravings.
What would you say to new mum’s who might be on the fence about getting started?
I would tell them to take the leap and go for it, it has been such a saviour in terms of getting me out the house and helping me mentally. A morning session lets me have my own head space and really sets me up for my day.
Taking action and giving it my best shot to lose weight early on was one of the best decisions I’ve made, as I felt this wouldn’t have been possible once back to work. There will be ups and downs but that part of the process has made me stronger.
Disclaimer: Results vary from person to person, timescales on results are not guaranteed, hard work is always required.