Hunger cravings are an element of dieting that can make or break your success.

As you a make an effort to control your calories and create an energy deficit, you may find yourself focusing on food more and more. Some of this will be actual hunger and some of this will be cravings

What’s the difference?

Hunger – Biological signaling that you need food
Craving – A behavioral/emotional response that you need food (more often a certain type of food)
So … What can we do to curb hunger & cravings to keep losing fat?


1. Prioritise Protein – eating around 1g of protein per 1lb body weight is a great strategy to curb hunger, as well as many other health benefits ⠀

2. Increase Vegetable Intake – your mum told you to eat your greens and you’re not going to hear a different story from us! High fiber, low calorie and the high volume nature of veggies means they leave us feeling fuller
3. Diet/Zero Calorie Drinks – not only will these curb a sweet craving but the bubbles can leave you feeling fuller between meals
4. Chew Gum – having a stick or two of sugar-free gum over the course of a day is a great way to reduce hunger, the act of chewing over and over again is one of the main cues which signals that you are full
5. Increase Water Intake – being hungry and being hydrated are two scenarios which few people can tell apart. More often than not people find themselves consuming more food when in fact they are actually just dehydrated
Next time your following a diet, make sure you have these tips to hand


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