Is your training effective for you?

The internet is a fantastic resource and since the explosion of social media more and more people find themselves following training programs online – this has its pros and cons but overall I would describe it as a positive – more people moving = a healthier nation.

However, can we make this more effective? It’s true that no one training style or nutrition plan works for everybody, and to some extent, most will work to a certain degree as long as it’s applied with consistency.

If your goal is to obtain a better body composition, will perfecting a clean and press be the best choice of exercise?

If you can’t squat effectively, is it really the best way to build a set of glutes and quads?

Is running 5k three times per week the best way to generate long-term fat loss?

Training should be enjoyable and encompass many aspects of fitness. However always bear in mind the end goal, focusing on training being specific and effective to the end result. This will ensure you stay motivated and get the fantastic results which your efforts deserve!

Ready to make your training more effective? Every single client we work with gets a training path built for them – to start your own path contact us today for a no-obligation consult. 

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